Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management & Public Safety | Frederick Community College

FEMA Flood

Academic Programs

Emergency Management Associate of Applied Science1

These comprehensive 60-credit programs focus on preparedness and essential skills needed to organize and lead emergency management operations:

AAS in Emergency Management (online) supported by FEMA Independent Study 2

FEMA Independent Study curriculum serves as the foundation to deliver this online degree program.

AAS in Public Safety with concentrations in Emergency Management, National Security, or Fire Science Administration2

A combination of online and on-campus courses offers regional students the option to earn a degree in a hybrid format at Frederick Community College.

Emergency Management Certificate1

Providing a broad education in emergency management with a focus on preparedness and essential skills needed to organize and lead emergency management operations, the certificate incorporates FEMA Independent Study curriculum in a 26-credit online program.

Emergency Management Letters of Recognition1

Delivering basic emergency management skills and experience pertinent to immediate entry-level employment in specialized fields, the letters of recognition incorporate specific FEMA Independent Study curriculum in condensed 6-8 credit online programs.

Transfer Opportunities

From K-12, secondary education to post-secondary education and beyond, MACEM&PS|FCC helps individuals along the entire continuum of education. Students interested in pursuing an emergency management education are encouraged to explore FCC articulation agreements with the below institutions. Contact FCC Counseling & Advising Office at 301.846.2471 to learn more.

Additional Public Safety Academic Programs offered at Frederick Community College

  • Criminal Justice Area of Concentration within the A.A. in Social Sciences
    The Criminal Justice Area of Concentration within the A.A. in Social Sciences introduces students to the highly specialized and sophisticated area of criminal justice. Students are acquainted with the principles underlying technical skills and procedures, administration and operation of criminal justice organizations, and psychological and sociological origins of human behavior.

  • Emergency Management Area of Concentration within the A.A.S. in Public Safety
    Emergency Management Area of Concentration within the Public Safety A.A.S. coursework in this program provides students with an adaptable education in emergency management as an integral element of comprehensive public safety theory and practice. Complements a core of knowledge essential to all public safety fields with specialized coursework in preparedness, planning, and the skills necessary to organize and lead emergency management operations. Offers a flexible structure that allows students to pursue emergency management broadly, or to focus and extend their study of emergency management into any of several industry-relevant specialization areas..

  • Fire Service Administration A.A.S.
  • As an area of concentration within the Public Safety A.A.S., the Fire Service Administration Degree Program integrates general education coursework with the major components of the Division of Fire Rescue Services (DFRS) Fire/Rescue training curriculum.

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Letter of Recognition
    Designed to offer a series of courses which will serve as the foundation for preparing students to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related technologies consistent with entry-level employment in public safety. Students will learn foundational GIS principles, how they are used in a variety of public safety careers, and the core skills for utilizing those principles themselves.

  • National Security and Intelligence Area of Concentration within the Public Safety A.A.S.
    National Security and Intelligence Area of Concentration within the Public Safety A.A.S. allows students to develop competencies in public policy, federal security and information collection and sharing. In an age of borderless intelligence, security professionals expect to face electronic disruptions and threats to systems and infrastructure. Public Safety practitioners may combine cybersecurity studies by working with their advisor and program manager to plan a program suited to the future of comprehensive public safety.

  • Police Science A.A.S.
    The Police Science A.A.S. degree program prepares Maryland law enforcement officials to meet the challenges of a diverse, global society and is available to sworn, currently employed police officers who hold a current Certification and Training Standards Compliance Card issued by the Maryland Police Training Commission (MPTC), and who are graduates of a Maryland police academy certified by the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC).
  • Public Safety A.A.S. Area of Concentration in Emergency Management
    Public Safety A.A.S. Area of Concentration in Emergency Management complements core knowledge essential to all public safety fields with specialized coursework in preparedness, planning, and leadership during emergency operations. Emergency managers serve in government, hospitals, industry and international development. Degree
1  Students are strongly encouraged to first contact the Emergency Management Program Manager, prior to enrolling and prior to each semester, to facilitate the process of carefully selecting and sequencing courses based on interests and educational requirements.

2  Students must complete English and Mathematics requirements within the first 24 credits. One general education course must meet the cultural competence graduation requirement. CORE: General Education CORE is a foundation of higher education curriculum providing a coherent intellectual experience for all students. Students should check with an advisor or the transfer institution (ARTSYS) before selecting General Education CORE requirements. http://artsys.usmd.edu